Tag: rescue

  • ¡qué guay es tener plan!

    ¡qué guay es tener plan!

    you may be wondering why you don’t see more of me, and more of my art?     or maybe just what the hell happened?   you may very well not be wondering that, but now that I have said it, it must have crossed your mind. I hope I can provide an interesting enough…

  • about gratitude

    This should have been easier. I set out to write a post this morning before heading out with the furry family to help them let off a bit of steam, and then get some shopping in (very related to the post) but have gotten caught up in the admin of the website. I will be…

  • Help, Hell and highwater (part two of the saga)

    In my last post I mentioned that I have a problem, but didn’t go too far in getting to what it is. I do have a terrible habit of getting off-track, or at least, trying to put in too much supporting information. I do the same when I speak, I’m good at the never ending…

  • getting Eni, who is later to be getting down.

    And later still to be getting put down. The story of Eni, my little man. 2001 till 2014, may his little body rest in peace. Eni once had a blog, which you can find over at Ha Llegado el Lider. He was the cutest little guy, and his life was cruelly and unnecessarily cut short…