Category: News & Updates

  • ¡qué guay es tener plan!

    ¡qué guay es tener plan!

    you may be wondering why you don’t see more of me, and more of my art?     or maybe just what the hell happened?   you may very well not be wondering that, but now that I have said it, it must have crossed your mind. I hope I can provide an interesting enough…

  • Chica nueva en el blog , escribiendo en Español.

    Ya era hora de que alguien escribiera algo en este blog en Español, no es por nada, pero eso de los idiomas se nos da poco regular tirando a mal y  como queremos muchos, muchos seguidores desde ahora, habrá un  post en Español. No solo hablare de arte, siempre he pensado que el arte forma…

  • My vision statement

    My vision statement

    powerful stuff I am a heart based psychedelic visual artist who works from a deep feeling of love, awe and respect, gained from much suffering on the road to my true spiritual maturity. I make objects that change peoples lives by bringing a deep aesthetic satisfaction and I do plenty of formal and informal public…

  • starting fresh

    I better, ’cause what I have been doing up to now hasn’t really been working out for me. And it’s not surprising. It’s gotten to the stage where I can write down all these private (should be) (haha) thoughts here on the blog, and not really worry too much about the repercussion. OK, so not…

  • KingSize Version 3.1 Change Log

    VERSION 3.1 – KINGSIZE We have made quite a fix changes in this release. Including an important one, updating the Timthumb script to the most current and stable version. Below here you will find a detailed list of all the changes we have introduced in this version. Timthumb was updated. The entire “timthumb.php” file should…

  • KingSize Version 3 Change Log

    VERSION 3 – KINGSIZE Assorted Fixes & Updates Resolved the “Blog Paginate” issues. Fixed the “Color Style” options by editing “theme-options.php” lines #773 through to #784. Updated “style.css” with a Background / Slider fix on lines #60 through to line #77. Updated “style.css” line #88 through to line #97, “.nojs img” for background fix. Updated…