Tag: drugs

  • ¡qué guay es tener plan!

    ¡qué guay es tener plan!

    you may be wondering why you don’t see more of me, and more of my art?     or maybe just what the hell happened?   you may very well not be wondering that, but now that I have said it, it must have crossed your mind. I hope I can provide an interesting enough…

  • going over the damn wall, too much Coffee?

    So, how is it that seven dogs and five cats is such a problem? The cats aren’t really that much of a special problem in themselves. Well, apart from Coffee the new kitten, who makes life miserable for every one at times. At the same time as he is one of the cuddliest, most in…

  • thoughts on Fuck, part one

    thoughts on Fuck, part one

    A new friend asked the other day about “the word”. And I thank her for the question. I don’t get it enough. She asked me if it meant something or if it was just gratuitous. I suppose I have plenty to say about this, so lets see how we go. I believe I could be…